• Natural Gas News

    The Guardian: Europe mulling energy efficiency target below Juncker's 30% 'minimum'



Energy efficiency goal has taken on increased urgency since Ukraine crisis, in bid to curb EU's reliance on Russian gas

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

The Guardian: Europe mulling energy efficiency target below Juncker's 30% 'minimum'

The European commission is considering an energy-saving goal for 2030 of less than 30%, according to a document seen by Reuters, setting it at odds with designated commission president Jean-Claude Juncker.

How ambitious an energy efficiency goal the European Union should set has taken on increased urgency in the context of the Ukraine crisis because using less energy would curb the EU's reliance on Russian gas.

Juncker said at the European parliament on Tuesday: "A binding 30% energy efficiency target is for me the minimum." The new goal would also mark a retreat from a previous draft, setting out a target of 30%or more.