• Natural Gas News

    O'Dwyer: Europe Pushes for American Gas



Current laws ban the export of liquefied natural gas to countries that don't have a free trade agreement with the US.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

O'Dwyer: Europe Pushes for American Gas

LNG Allies, which is bankrolled by governments in Europe, has hired Franklin-Hamilton of Wilmington to a $20M monthly fee pact to push for the "free, fair and expedited trade of natural gas and other resources between the US and its global allies."

The Washington embassies of Lithuania, Croatia and Czech Republic are members of the coalition's "council of embassies," which acts as an advisor to the LNG coalition.

Eastern European countries are heavily dependent on the import of natural gas from Russian state-owned Gazprom, which has cut off Ukraine in the past.

Current laws ban the export of liquefied natural gas to countries that don't have a free trade agreement with the US.