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    New Europe: European Energy Policy and the EU Road Map till 2050



Fabrizio Barbaso, Deputy Director General, Directorate General Energy, European Commission writes on European Energy Policy and the EU Road Map till 2050.


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Press Notes

New Europe: European Energy Policy and the EU Road Map till 2050

Today, energy security is more complex than ever before. Europe imports more than a half (54% in 2010) of its energy. It is very vulnerable to the global security situation.

At the heart of European energy policy is the EU Energy 2020 strategy. This requires the EU to reduce its GHG emissions by 20% by 2020, compared to 1990; to increase the share of renewable energy sources in our energy use to 20% - almost double what it is now (currently 13% of its final energy consumption comes from renewables); and to increase energy efficiency by one fifth, over the same period. 

The 2020 agenda has been a broad success. Member States, local authorities and individuals have embraced it. 

Renewable energy has boomed, even at a period of economic slowdown, renewable energy investment is growing and the majority of new power plants in the EU are now renewables based.  MORE