Voice of Russia: Europe feels the need in Russian gas
Europe is beginning to realize that it will not do without Russian gas. These are the conclusions made by participants of the 7th European Gas Conference, held on January 28 - 30 in the Austrian city of Vienna. After several years of talking about intentions to cross over to liquefied natural gas, their own shale gas, as well as alternative energy sources, the Europeans once again intend to hold constructive dialogue with Russia on long-term delivery contracts of blue fuel.
Energy illusions of the Europeans are beginning to go out the window. A desire to escape from gas dependence on Russia with the help of supplies from other countries, development of own shale gas and other sources can be explained by political reasons, but at this stage it is absolutely unprofitable for Europe. At least professionals in the sphere of energy recognize this already. The Gas Conference in Vienna was attended by about 200 delegates from 80 companies - leaders of the world gas industry, as well as representatives of state institutions in charge of the energy and oil and gas sectors. There are noticeable changes in their views on Europe's energy future, a participant of the conference, President of the Institute of Energy and Finance, Vladimir Feygin notes.
“Frankly speaking, in recent years, we have seen inadequacy of the approaches (of the Europeans). They had a feeling that some miracle will occur - miracle regarding shale gas, miracle regarding renewable sources; that the whole world the gas industry is used to, i.e. long-lasting relations, participation in some projects, will disappear. Among these miracles there were predictions that in twenty years, the role of gas in general will fall, everything will be renewable. And the Europeans will produce renewable energy themselves and will not depend on anybody. And now we are witnessing a sobering, a return to reality. There’s no solution yet, but there is a sense of anxiety and understanding that something's gone very wrong.” MORE