• Natural Gas News

    Shale Gas Europe: The European Parliament Votes on Shale Gas: What Did We Learn?



European Parliament votes on its shale gas reports, both approved by large majorities and EU wide moratorium was rejected. Some still distrust the science, which highlights the need for a more comprehensive scientific data to be included in the debate.


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Press Notes

Shale Gas Europe: The European Parliament Votes on Shale Gas: What Did We Learn?

On 21 November the European Parliament voted on its own-initiative reports on shale gas. Both reports were approved by large majorities and a vote on an EU wide moratorium was rejected. This saw the responsible debate on shale gas move forward, yet the distrust of science by some has been striking and highlights the need for more comprehensive scientific data to be included in the debate.

For background details on the reports see our factsheet here.

The Environment Report Vote

Polish MEP Boguslaw Sonik’s report on the environmental impacts of shale gas was first to be put to the plenary vote. The report was adopted with 562 votes in favour, 86 against and 43 abstentions

The report emphasised that shale gas can be extracted safely in the EU without a moratorium. Indeed, an amendment put forward for amoratorium was defeated. The report therefore supports further shale gas development and states that any risks “should be contained through pre-emptive measures including proper planning, testing, use of new and best available technologies, best industry practices” alongside monitoring and robust regulation – something the industry endorses. The conclusion to proceed with best practice and regulation was supported by 53 of the 58 Green MEPs who voted for the report, with 5 abstaining.  MORE