• Natural Gas News

    Tasnim: Europeans in Talks with Tehran over Gas Imports from Iran



An Iranian energy official announced that four European states have held negotiations with Tehran on possible gas imports, but no agreement has finalized

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Tasnim: Europeans in Talks with Tehran over Gas Imports from Iran

An Iranian energy official announced that four European states have held negotiations with Tehran on possible gas imports, but noted that no agreement has so far been finalized.

Director of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) for International Affairs Azizollah Ramezani said four European nations have entered talks with Iran on the feasibility of importing natural gas from the country.

“We have also multiple mechanisms for supplying gas to Europe, but as of today, not any contract has been finalized in this regard,” Ramezani added.

In relevant comments on May 4, Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh expressed the country's readiness for providing the European states with natural gas, either through pipeline or LNG shipments.