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    USA Today: Europe's energy policy strengthens Putin's hand



The Ukraine crisis is generating a lot of tough talk about Russia's expansionist agenda into its former Soviet territory

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

USA Today: Europe's energy policy strengthens Putin's hand

The Ukraine crisis is generating a lot of tough talk about Russia's expansionist agenda into its former Soviet territory. Since the downing of a Malaysia Airlines flight by pro-Russia separatists in the war-torn region last week, the United States and Europe have tightened sanctions against some Russian industries and threatened more.

But the threat may mostly be bluster. On Tuesday, European foreign ministers backed away from imposing the toughest sanctions to continue with their strategy of pinprick sanctions and threats of toughness. The reason is simple: Europe desperately needs a steady supply of Russian natural gas, a tight spot that Europe's policies have only made tighter despite years of warning.

That's, in part, why Western actions and rhetoric haven't deterred President Vladimir Putin, who has escalated belligerent operations since invading and annexing the Crimea in March. Last month, national behemoth Gazprom shut off gas to Ukraine, and Moscow has continued to fund and arm a proxy war against Kiev in a mission to peel off more territory for annexation.