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EXPLORING ‘THE FUTURE OF EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN GAS’ PRIO Cyprus Centre organizes its 2016 international public conference on energy in the East Med

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PRIO Cyprus Centre organizes its 2016 international public conference on

energy in the Eastern Mediterranean on November 21st

The PRIO Cyprus Centre, in collaboration with the Atlantic Council, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Cyprus, Istituto Affari Internazionali and Strata Insight, is organising the fourth of its international public conference series on energy in the Eastern Mediterranean. Entitled ‘The Future of Eastern Mediterranean Gas’, the conference will be held on Monday the 21st of November at Chateau Status in the UN Buffer Zone in Nicosia, from 9am until 5pm.

Featuring speakers who are prominent experts on the energy industry as well as the region, the conference will provide a platform for discussion of related developments with a view to assessing the outlook for the region’s fledging offshore hydrocarbons industry.



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The conference comprises three panels that will delve into the local as well as the global realities and trends in the field of energy, and inquire how these have influenced offshore gas field development in the Eastern Mediterranean and how they will do so in the future. Each panel will involve a keynote speech followed by three presentations. The first panel, led by Charles Ellinas, Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council and CEO of E-C Natural Hydrocarbons Company, will explore whether it is ‘time for realism’ concerning Eastern Mediterranean gas. The second will address the subject of energy security, opening with a keynote speech by Nathalie Tocci, Deputy Director of Istituto Affari Internazionali. The third panel will include energy industry perspectives about development of Eastern Mediterranean gas.

Since 2011 the PRIO Cyprus Centre has partnered with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Cyprus in hosting conferences about energy in the Eastern Mediterranean. The event is now established as an annual forum making accessible to the public audiences in Cyprus expert views and insights about where things stand and where they are likely to go as regards exploration and exploitation of East Mediterranean offshore energy resources.

For registrations please send an email to guido@prio.org

For the draft agenda of the event please click here.      

Natural Gas World is a Media Partner of "The Future of Eastern Mediterraneas Gas"