• Natural Gas News

    JPost: 'Export of Leviathan gas to Turkey unlikely without improvement in political ties'



Any agreement to export natural gas from Israel’s large Leviathan reservoir to Turkey can only occur following an improvement in political relations

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

JPost: 'Export of Leviathan gas to Turkey unlikely without improvement in political ties'

Any agreement to export natural gas from Israel’s large Leviathan reservoir to Turkey can only occur following an improvement in political relations between the two countries – relations that have grown increasingly fragile during the Israeli-Gazan conflict – according to an Institute for National Security Studies report.

“An agreement that will provide a solution to the crisis between the two countries is a necessary condition for an agreement on Israeli gas exports to Turkey, and the companies trying to promote it cannot achieve this goal without such a solution,” the report authors wrote.

As the developers of the Leviathan reservoir prepare to select gas export recipients, they must take political constraints under consideration when reviewing Turkey as a possibility, the authors explained.