• Natural Gas News

    Exxon on Track With PNG LNG



Esso Highlands Limited (EHL), a subsidiary of ExxonMobil and operator of the PNG LNG project, announced Monday that the project is more than 90 percent complete.

by: Shardul

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Exxon on Track With PNG LNG

Esso Highlands Limited (EHL), a subsidiary of ExxonMobil and operator of the PNG LNG project, announced Monday that the project is more than 90 percent complete and is on schedule for first delivery of liquefied natural gas (LNG) during the second half of 2014.

“We have started the commissioning phase at the LNG plant in preparation for the first LNG production in 2014. This includes sending gas from Oil Search’s Kutubu Central Processing Facility to the LNG plant to provide power and enable testing and commissioning of key facilities and equipment,” said Decie Autin, PNG LNG project executive.

The estimated cost of the project remains at $19 billion. 

 Partners inbthe project are Oil Search Limited , NPCP, SantosJX Nippon Oil & Gas ExplorationMineral Resources Development Company and Petromin PNG Holdings Limited.