• Natural Gas News

    The Telegraph: Farmers fear fracking could spell financial ruin



NFU wants assurances farmers will be compensated if fracking reduces the value of their land, and accuses ministers of brushing aside their fears.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

The Telegraph: Farmers fear fracking could spell financial ruin

National Farmers' Union wants assurances farmers will be compensated if fracking reduces the value of their land, and accuses ministers of brushing aside their fears.

Farmers fear they could face financial ruin from government plans to allow fracking beneath their land without compensation, the National Farmers' Union has warned.

Ministers pushing for shale gas exploration cannot take the support of rural communities for granted and are turning farmers against the process by appearing to brush side their concerns, it warned.

The Government is pressing ahead with new laws that would strip people of power to block fracking beneath their property or land. It has insisted no compensation will be paid to individual home and landowners, because they should not be affected by the gas or oil extraction deep beneath them.