• Natural Gas News

    Financial Times: Hackers target US natural gas pipelines



A sophisticated cyberattack intended to gain access to US natural gas pipelines has been under way for several months, the Department of Homeland Security has warned, raising fresh concerns about the possibility that vital infrastructure could be vulnerable to computer hackers.


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Press Notes

Financial Times: Hackers target US natural gas pipelines

A sophisticated cyberattack intended to gain access to US natural gas pipelines has been under way for several months, the Department of Homeland Security has warned, raising fresh concerns about the possibility that vital infrastructure could be vulnerable to computer hackers.

The department’s Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team said recently that it had identified a single campaign behind multiple attempted intrusions into several different pipeline companies since December last year.

ICS-CERT has issued alerts and held briefings for natural gas and oil pipeline operators, telling them how to spot signs of attack and said it has been “working aggressively with affected organisations to prepare mitigation plans ... to remove the threat and harden networks from re-infection”.  MORE (Registration required)