Fortescue's Queensland hydrogen facility gets planning go-ahead
Fortescue Future Industries (FFI) has gained planning approval to build hydrogen equipment manufacturing facilities in Gladstone, the Queensland government said on November 17.
Deputy premier and minister for state development Steven Miles said the approval would allow FFI to progress plans for constructing the facility in the Gladstone State Development Area (SDA).
“FFI now has the planning approval required to progress the A$114mn ($83mn) first stage of its Global Green Energy Manufacturing Centre (GEM) at Aldoga in the Gladstone SDA,” Miles said.
It will be the first facility in Australia able to make the multi-gigawatt-scale electrolysers used worldwide in hydrogen production, the minister said. “With initial capacity to manufacture up to two gigawatts of electrolysers annually, it will be the largest electrolyser factory in the world when it comes online in 2023,” he added.
The facility will be constructed within a four-hectare site with an electrolyser assembly building to cover approximately 12,900 m2.