• Natural Gas News

    Bloomberg: Frack First, Disclose Chemicals Later Under U.S. Rule



Oil and natural gas companies won’t be forced to disclose chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing until work is completed, under a proposed U.S. rule issued today that drew opposition from environmental groups


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Press Notes

Bloomberg: Frack First, Disclose Chemicals Later Under U.S. Rule

Oil and natural gas companies won’t be forced to disclose chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing until work is completed, under a proposed U.S. rule issued today that drew opposition from environmental groups.

The proposal lets gas producers exclude trade secrets and confidential information, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said today on a conference call. It would add about $11,833 in costs per well in 2013, according the Interior Department.

“The proposal today will allow us to continue powering our economy by developing America’s abundant oil and gas resources,” Salazar said during a conference call. “It is critical that the public has full confidence that effective safety and environmental protections are in place.”

President Barack Obama has pledged to increase gas production without harming the environment. The U.S. industry argued for reporting after completing the fracking, which injects water, sand and chemicals underground to free trapped gas. Environmental groups had preferred an earlier draft of the standards that would have required disclosure before work began.

“This is a free pass to the oil and gas industry at the expense of public health,” Jessica Ennis, a Washington-based legislative associate for the environmental group Earthjustice, said today in an e-mail.

The Natural Resources Defense Council, a New York-based advocacy group, faulted the Obama administration for crafting a rule it said is weaker than the requirements set by states.  MORE