• Natural Gas News

    Financial Times: Muller and Daniels: The Fracker's Guide to a Greener World



Richard Muller and Mitch Daniels recommend natural gas as a viable method to offset greenhouse gas emissions growing in the developing world, which is leading to climate change.


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Press Notes

Financial Times: Muller and Daniels: The Fracker's Guide to a Greener World

You may think that global warming is the biggest scam of all time, driven by politicians who want to scare you and scientists who love media attention and increased funding. Or you may think global warming is the greatest threat we face, and that if we don't act immediately we'll leave a tragic legacy for our children and grandchildren.

One of us is a former skeptic, converted by his own research to the conviction that man-made carbon dioxide is the decisive factor in a real phenomenon of climate change. The other is agnostic, willing to be persuaded of human causality but rejecting as ineffective or counterproductive the anti-growth policies proposed by some alarmists. People like us—and all those struggling with the ambiguities of this highly uncertain topic—might come together around policies that make sense whatever the scientific facts ultimately prove to be.  MORE