• Natural Gas News

    Forbes: Fracking The Anti-Fracking Movement: The Inside Story Of The Foundation Behind The Activist Campaign To Discredit Natural Gas



Park Foundation founder Roy Hampton Park had always supported—smart conservation that honored private enterprise and respected property values.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Forbes: Fracking The Anti-Fracking Movement: The Inside Story Of The Foundation Behind The Activist Campaign To Discredit Natural Gas

Dan Fitzsimmons remembers that blustery day in March 2011 when he traveled to the offices of the Park Foundation in Ithaca, New York, asking for help. He was hopeful and a little desperate. The landowners he represented in the southern tier of the state were in the grip not only of the Great Recession but of New York state’s long, suffocating economic decline. There was, however, one reason for hope, Fitzsimmons and his neighbors believed. Deep underneath the rolling hills of upstate New York lay a massive sheet of untapped wealth in the form of shale gas. They had witnessed their neighbors just over the border in Pennsylvania experience a remarkable economic recovery because of that state’s decision to tap its gas. Vast reserves existed under their property as well, but New York was—and is—in policy gridlock.

Fitzsimmons was hoping to get backing for an education campaign for homeowners interested in responsibly leasing their property, so any extraction could be done in accord with the wishes of the local community. It seemed in line with what he knew Park Foundation founder Roy Hampton Park had always supported—smart conservation that honored private enterprise and respected property values.