• Natural Gas News

    Wigan Today: Fracking campaigners heading to Wigan



Campaigners against fracking for shale gas and coal bed methane extraction from across the North West will descend on Wigan.


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Press Notes

Wigan Today: Fracking campaigners heading to Wigan

CAMPAIGNERS against fracking for shale gas and coal bed methane extraction from across the North West will descend on Wigan later this week.

A protest has been arranged in the town centre from 4pm on Friday (October 25) to welcome the arrival of high profile anti-fracking campaigner Gayzer Frackman, who is undertaking a 25-mile, twelve-day walk to Downing Street from his hometown Lytham, near Blackpool.

Speaking from his home in Lytham, Mr Frackman said: “It is important that people find out the facts about fracking before they sign up to it, because contrary to what the Government and fracking industry are saying, the process isn’t safe and never can be.

“It also won’t reduce our energy bills, and it won’t create many jobs either.” MORE