• Natural Gas News

    European Public Affairs: Fracking – Not so controversial in 2014?



European Commission’s plans to submit a proposal of a “robust law” covering the activities of unconventional gas exploration

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

European Public Affairs: Fracking – Not so controversial in 2014?

In October 2013, Euractiv broke the news about the European Commission’s plans to submit a proposal of a “robust law” covering the activities of unconventional gas exploration – otherwise known as hydraulic fracturing in late 2013 or early 2014. According to inside sources, this piece of binding legislation would provide “reassurance for the public in terms of [the] environmental impacts of shale gas.”

It would cover the most pressing environmental issues related to hydraulic fracturing – also called fracking – and set down rules for groundwater contamination, impact on air quality, and/or seismic disturbances. Surprisingly, on the 22nd January 2014, the Commission published a set of recommendations instead of a binding legislative proposal.

This dramatic change of course is important and will have wide repercussions considering the highly controversial nature of fracking.