• Natural Gas News

    Mirror: It's fracking dangerous: practice 'poses real problems for our health and environment'



Fracking could unleash health and environmental disasters while failing to deliver the promised economic boom, reports claimed

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Mirror: It's fracking dangerous: practice 'poses real problems for our health and environment'

Fracking could unleash health and environmental disasters while failing to deliver the promised economic boom, reports claimed yesterday

Research by US and British scientists and medics warns of potentially lasting damage to tourism and agriculture while bringing only short-term jobs and doing little to cut long-term energy costs.

One of the reports, from the Scientists for Global Responsibility and the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health and published last month, concluded by saying “confidence” in fracking “is undermined by a series of disingenuous claims made by both the Government and industry”.

It added: “Virtually all economic analysts refute the claim that fracking will reduce energy bills in the UK. Instead, it will lock us into continued reliance on fossil fuels and the increasingly volatile and expensive international gas market.