• Natural Gas News

    BBC: Fracking payouts 'no compensation', Defend Lytham says



Lancashire campaign group says that proposed benefits packages for areas around fracking sites would "go nowhere near compensating" those affected.


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BBC: Fracking payouts 'no compensation', Defend Lytham says

Drilling is currently suspended at all Cuadrilla's Lancashire sites

Proposed benefits packages for areas around fracking sites would "go nowhere near compensating" those affected, a Lancashire campaign group has said.

Shale gas drilling areas will get £100,000 in "community benefits" and 1% of revenues, under new guidelines.

Defend Lytham's Mike Hill said the package would "pay for only a fraction of the loss suffered by homeowners".

Cuadrilla Resources, which has licences to test for gas in the county, said it could "amount to millions per site".

The new guidelines, issued by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, came following a survey by the British Geological Survey of the potential volume of shale gas in the Bowland Basin.  MORE