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    UPI: Fracking stirs Ukrainian gas debate



Hydraulic fracturing spurs debate in Ukraine. U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine John Tefft says people have every right to be wary but the practice is safe if done correctly.


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UPI: Fracking stirs Ukrainian gas debate

Ukrainians expressing concerns over shale natural gas developments have every right to be wary, but the practice is safe if done correctly, a U.S. envoy said.

Ukraine is among the Eastern European countries eyeing shale gas reserves. In January, Shell Chief Executive Officer Peter Voser signed a $10 billion contract to explore Ukrainian shale.

U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine John Tefft was quoted by National Radio Co. of Ukraine as saying concerns are justified, but only if shale campaigns are reckless.

"I've always been a supporter of environmental protection," he said. "And I am convinced (that) if shale gas is extracted in an appropriate manner, this can be done without harming the environment."  MORE