• Natural Gas News

    Bloomberg:French Gas-Supply Security Seen Weakening on Link to Spot Market



France's industry regulator has said that the share of supply indexed to the spot market will rise to 45 percent from 36 percent, potentially weakening security of its natural-gas supply. The share of supply indexed to the spot market will rise to 45 percent from 36 percent, Philippe de Ladoucette, head of the Commission de Regulation de l’Energie, told a parliamentary hearing today.


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Bloomberg:French Gas-Supply Security Seen Weakening on Link to Spot Market


France, Europe’s largest energy market after Germany, may weaken the security of its natural-gas supply as it ties regulated tariffs more closely to spot prices, the industry regulator said.

The share of supply indexed to the spot market will rise to 45 percent from 36 percent, Philippe de Ladoucette, head of the Commission de Regulation de l’Energie, told a parliamentary hearing today.

“This level is relatively high and if it goes any higher we will have to ask questions about our security of supply,” he said. “There could be a problem.”