• Natural Gas News

    The Argus: Your interview: Francis Egan, chief executive of Cuadrilla Resources



Francis Egan, chief executive of Cuadrilla Resources, address reader concerns about oil and gas development posed by readers of a local newspaper


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Press Notes

The Argus: Your interview: Francis Egan, chief executive of Cuadrilla Resources

LUCY DUNNE: What does Cuadrilla think about protecting Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, like Balcombe? Green MP for Brighton Pavilion Caroline Lucas recently stated that: “Cuadrilla’s flagrant disregard for the potential risks that shale gas exploration poses to local communities and the environment shows clearly that Cuadrilla’s only interest is profit at any cost.” How accurate is Caroline in her assessment of Cuadrilla?

FRANCIS EGAN (FE): Cuadrilla is drilling an exploration well on a site at Balcombe where an existing exploration well was drilled by Conoco in 1986. The site in question has, we understand, existed in harmony with the environment since that date. Our proposed exploration activities on this site will be relatively short (a matter of months) after which the site will be restored to its former condition. We do not anticipate that our exploration activities will have any long-term impact on the outstanding natural beauty of Balcombe More broadly, we believe that onshore oil and gas exploration and production in the UK is not only essential for UK energy security and economic development but also that these activities can and will co-exist with local communities and environmental protection. The successful onshore oil operation at Wytch farm in Dorset is a perfect example of this. The onshore natural gas processing terminal in Talacre North Wales is another. There are several existing oil producing operations in Sussex which co-exist in harmony with local communities and the environment.

In Lancashire, Cuadrilla is completing a rigorous environmental permitting process (run by the Environment Agency) for its proposed shale gas exploration activities. Cuadrilla is also completing detailed Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) for each proposed shale gas hydraulic fracturing site.