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    Bloomberg: French Fracking Ban Should Be Eased to Assess Shale Reserves



A report by the French parlimentary commission states that France’s ban on hydraulic fracturing should be eased to estimate the size of its shale oil and gas reserves.


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Bloomberg: French Fracking Ban Should Be Eased to Assess Shale Reserves

France’s ban on hydraulic fracturing should be eased to estimate the size of its shale oil and gas reserves, according to a parliamentary report.

Dozens of exploration wells could be drilled in regions where seismic data has indicated promising reserves, a report by a French parliamentary commission showed.

“We have to estimate our reserves more precisely,” Deputy Christian Bataille told a press conference today. Shale oil in the Paris Basin appears “promising” while data on shale gas in southwestern France is outdated, he said.

The recommendations would require changes to France’s 2011 fracking ban implemented by former President Nicolas Sarkozy . His successor Francois Hollandehas said he supports the ban. The country’s business lobbies have stepped up a campaign in recent months in favor of shale energy development, which commonly uses fracking. They argue it would help reverse France’s industrial decline, raise competitiveness through cheaper energy supplies and lower unemployment.

“Everything rests in the way the drilling is carried out,” Senator Jean-Claude Lenoir said at today’s press conference. “We have many regulations about industrial sites that could apply” to avoid enviromental damage.  MORE

Related reading: Relaxation on Fracking Ban Rejected in France