• Natural Gas News

    Fuel Fix: EPA links hydraulic fracturing with groundwater pollution



EPA reports that it had discovered synthetic chemicals — including glycols and alcohols — associated with gas production and hydraulic fracturing fluids inside deep water wells in the region around Pavillion, Wyoming


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Press Notes

Fuel Fix: EPA links hydraulic fracturing with groundwater pollution

In a draft report made public last week, the US Environmental Protection Agency linked hydraulic fracturing with groundwater contamination in Wyoming _ a first-of-its-kind conclusion by the federal agency that could trigger new scrutiny of the practice used to extract oil and natural gas nationwide.

Although the study is limited to a gas field in Wyoming and is only in a draft form, the EPA’s finding could be a game changer for the oil and gas industry, which has insisted that hydraulic fracturing is safe and should be regulated solely by state officials, rather than the federal government.

In a draft report, the agency said it had discovered synthetic chemicals — including glycols and alcohols — associated with gas production and hydraulic fracturing fluids inside deep water wells in the region.   HERE

Read the EPA Draft Report HERE