• Natural Gas News

    GasNaturally Calls On European Authorities to Avoid Multiple Targets



Gas Naturally, the entity that brings together seven gas organisations, called on Europe to avoid multiple targets in the 2030 Energy and Climate Framework.

by: Sergio

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Natural Gas & LNG News

GasNaturally Calls On European Authorities to Avoid Multiple Targets

GasNaturally, the entity that brings together seven organisations within the gas industry, called on European authorities to avoid multiple targets in the 2030 Energy and Climate Framework.

‘The EU should first of all opt for a single legally-binding 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target. This would provide predictability for long-term investments in lower carbon technologies - renewables and gas alike – and reduce emissions in the most cost-effective manner. At the same time, the EU should step up its efforts to reach a global climate agreement in Paris in 2015,’ reads the open letter to the heads of member states and the President of the European Commission.

According to the group representing over 130 natural gas companies, this measure would be the first necessary step to solve the so-called ‘coal and renewables paradigm.’ Gas Naturally wrote that the long-lasting subsidies for mature renewable technologies and high energy prices have burdened the European economy.

The second measure to overcome the impasse should be to maintain the centrality of the ETS ‘for cost-effective CO2 emissions reductions.’

‘Thirdly, the power system should be redesigned to allow gas and renewables to better partner in electricity generation, helping the completion of the Internal Energy Market. Subsidies for mature renewables should be phased out, while maintaining R&D support for all promising, non-mature lower-carbon technologies, including CCS and power-to-gas,’ adds the open letter.