• Natural Gas News

    AP: Gasland' sequel asserts drillers corrupting gov't



Gasland Part II’’ plays audio from an industry conference in Texas at which a drilling company official encourages the use of military-style psychological operations, or PSYOPS, to counteract anti-fracking fervor.


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Press Notes

AP: Gasland' sequel asserts drillers corrupting gov't

Josh Fox galvanized the U.S. anti-fracking movement with his incendiary 2010 documentary ‘‘Gasland.’’ Now he’s back with a sequel — and this time, he’s targeting an audience of just one.

‘‘We want the president to watch the movie, and we want him to meet with the people who are in it,’’ says Fox, whose ‘‘Gasland Part II’’ makes its HBO debut Monday.

He contends President Barack Obama’s professed support of drilling and fracking for natural gas ignores the environmental and public health toll of the drilling boom: ‘‘It looks like he’s really sincere and earnest in his desire to take on climate change, but he’s got the completely wrong information and thus the completely wrong plan.’’

A typically bold statement from Fox, who’s emerged as one of the nation’s most visible and outspoken foes of the natural gas drilling industry.   MORE