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    Financial Times: Gazprom crisis casts shadow over Putin



Gazprom's current crisis due to setbacks including the European Commission's antitrust probe and the shale gas revolution casts a shadow over Russian President Vladimir Putin.


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Press Notes

Financial Times: Gazprom crisis casts shadow over Putin

Gazprom, the natural gas company controlled by the Russian state, is in crisis. It is likely to fall victim to the shale gas revolution that is under way across the US. The shale gas revolution will probably have telling consequences for Russian state capitalism and President Vladimir Putin’s power.

This crisis erupted suddenly. With its surge in shale gas production the US has become self-sufficient in natural gas. It has overtaken Russia as the biggest natural gas producer. Crucially, US natural gas is cheap. Domestic US natural gas prices are only a quarter of Gazprom’s oil-linked eastern European prices. Such large price differentials cannot possibly last for long.  MORE