• Natural Gas News

    Trend: Gazprom Seeking a Way Out



Trend says that Gazprom is losing the position it held in the market just five years with the challenges of the Southern Gas Corridor and Azeri gas

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Trend: Gazprom Seeking a Way Out

A number of problems, recently faced by Gazprom, are forcing the company to look for new ways out and new solutions, even if this contradicts its own statements.

The energy market today is developing so that Gazprom is absolutely in no position where it was 15, 10 or even five years ago. Those times when the company dictated its conditions throughout Europe and its other markets are left behind.

The worthy competition of the Azerbaijani project “Southern Gas Corridor” finds its reflection in Gazprom’s activities, its projects and policies – something that can be seen even with naked eye.

Read the full article HERE.