• Natural Gas News

    Global Times: Gazprom's status limits Russia's gas sector



Gazprom's status is limiting Russia's gas sector. Only through market-oriented reforms can Russia's natural gas competitiveness remain a source of vitality.


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Press Notes

Global Times: Gazprom's status limits Russia's gas sector

Most companies tend to draw attention based on their main function, but in the case of Gazprom, one of the world's largest gas extraction companies, based in Russia, key global players pay more attention to the impacts the company has on geopolitical and diplomatic issues. In fact, Gazprom has reached such a vast size, that it combines the material considerations of natural gas, the economic benefits of natural gas politics, and the complex geopolitical considerations of gas pipelines.

In the first decade of the 21st century, Gazprom played a substantial role in consolidating the regime of Vladimir Putin and reviving Russia's diplomatic efforts. With the support of Putin, Gazprom has successfully monopolized export channels for natural gas. This places Gazprom in a role in which it can mediate with the outside world on behalf of Russia. 

By utilizing price issues as well as its pipelines, Gazprom has become Putin's "scepter." Moscow and Kiev have given hints of two "gas wars." Russia has cut gas exports to Europe, which plunged the continent into an energy crisis. During this process, Gazprom consolidated its Belarus pipeline and reduced gas purchases from Central Asia.  MORE