• Natural Gas News

    GDF Suez to Step Up in Asia



GDF Suez, the world's biggest independent power producer, is to spend up to €55bn globally over five years as it tries to double its size in Asia and cut its reliance on Europe, where it has been locked in dispute with two of its biggest state customers.


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GDF Suez to Step Up in Asia

GDF Suez, the world’s biggest independent power producer, is to spend up to €55bn ($86bn) globally over five years as it tries to double its size in Asia and cut its reliance on Europe, where it has been locked in dispute with two of its biggest state customers.

Gérard Mestrallet, chief executive, said, in an interview with the Financial Times, that GDF was planning capital spending of between €9bn and €11bn in each of the years between 2012 and 2017, with about a third set aside for emerging markets.

Read the Full Article from the Financial Times HERE