• Natural Gas News

    Bloomberg: GDF Suez Warns 2014 Profit to Be in Lower Forecast Range



GDF Suez's H1 profit dropped 13 percent and warned the outage of two Belgian nuclear reactors and reduced heating demand may weigh on full-year earnings.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Bloomberg: GDF Suez Warns 2014 Profit to Be in Lower Forecast Range

GDF Suez SA (GSZ), operator of Europe’s biggest natural-gas network, said its first-half profit dropped 13 percent and warned the outage of two Belgian nuclear reactors and reduced heating demand may weigh on full-year earnings.

While the utility confirmed 2014 financial targets, Courbevoie, France-based GDF Suez said these may be changed in the second half depending on what happens with the Belgium generators.

The utility has forecast net recurring income in the range of 3.3 billion to 3.7 billion euros ($4.4 billion to $5 billion) for the year, compared with 3.4 billion euros in 2013.