• Natural Gas News

    WSJ: Geopolitical Benefit Raised in Debate on Exporting Gas



Ongoing debate over whether the U.S. should export some of its natural gas has focused on affect on the domestic economy but the geopolitical implications could tip decision in favor of proponents or gas export.


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Press Notes

WSJ: Geopolitical Benefit Raised in Debate on Exporting Gas

For more than a year, the debate over whether the U.S. should export some of its natural-gas bonanza has centered on how exports could affect the U.S. economy and manufacturing.

Increasingly, though, the geopolitical implications of exporting U.S. gas are shaping the debate, with proponents optimistic that the potential dividends for U.S. national security could tip the scales in their favor.

Proponents of U.S. gas exports, including current and former lawmakers, say that exporting some U.S. gas would bolster America’s relations with allies in Europe and Asia, weaken the hold of major energy producers such as Russia and help further isolate Iran. Critics worry any strategic advantage would be outweighed by eroding the benefit cheap energy offers U.S. industry at home.  MORE