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    Financial Times: German giants map different paths



As EON looks abroad to South America, Turkey and India - RWE will stick to low key strategies, which they believe to be less risky in the challenge, which both companies face, to meet the German governments plan to have 50 per cent of electricity generated by renewable energy sources by 2030.


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Press Notes

Financial Times: German giants map different paths

When the North Rhine-Westphalian power company RWE opened its new 2.2GW (gigawatt) lignite power plant near Cologne in the middle of August, its regional and national rival Eon was trying to secure permission for a 2.1GW plant on Chile’s coast.

Germany’s two biggest power companies may have joint roots in making electricity from the coal mined in the Ruhr valley and they are still neighbours – RWE is based in Essen and Eon in Düsseldorf, 35km south. But they are implementing very different strategies to deal with the revolution they see sweeping the energy sector.  MORE