• Natural Gas News

    German renewable energy act criticised for lack of biogas support


Associations want to see longer-term support for projects.

by: Joseph Murphy

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Europe, Natural Gas & LNG News, Topics, Germany, News By Country

German renewable energy act criticised for lack of biogas support

Biogas and farmers' associations have criticised an amendment to the country's renewable energy act that was passed in parliament on July 7, over its lack of support for biogas development.

"It is completely incomprehensible that in the middle of this far-reaching energy crisis, a sustainable domestic energy source such as biogas is being curbed in the production of electricity, heat and biomethane," Bernhard Krusken, secretary-general of the German Farmers' Association, commented. He warned this would make Germany "even more dependent on coal and natural gas in the crisis."

The amendment to the act was aimed at rapidly expanding renewable energies in Germany, to help bolster the country's domestic energy supply in the face of disruptions in Russian gas deliveries.

But the amendment "almost completely ignores" the potential for bioenergy, industry association Haupstadtburo Bioenergie said. 

The associations complain that there is not secured funding for biogas projects in the long-term. They want an economic incentive to be provided for plants already in service once the current remuneration period ends.

"Currently, biogas plants can be operated profitably due to high energy prices, but they need a safeguard on the revenue side, as there are continuous investments to be made," Haupstadtburo Bioenergie's head, Sandra Rostek, said.