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    Germany Confirms Support of Cyprus



Angela Merkel reiterated her support to the Republic of Cyprus, calling for the respect of the European country’s sovereignty over its territorial waters

by: Sergio

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Natural Gas & LNG News, News By Country, Cyprus

Germany Confirms Support of Cyprus

German Chancellor Angela Merkel reinforced her support of the Republic of Cyprus, calling for the respect of the European country’s sovereignty over its territorial waters. She also expressed her hopes for a new round of talks between Cyprus and Turkey.  

‘Mrs Merkel … expressed the hope that through the termination of the causes that led to the suspension of the talks, those conditions that would allow the resumption of the talks will be established soon, within a proper environment that will create prospects for a positive conclusion’ reads a note released by Cyprus on Friday. 

According to Cyprus’ authorities, Merkel reiterated the position expressed by the European Council in October.  

The President of the Republic, Nicos Anastasiades, had also a telephone communication with the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker.

‘Mr Juncker briefed the President of the Republic on the meetings he held in Brussels with the Turkish Prime Minister, Mr Ahmed Davutoğlu, and reaffirmed the position of the European Union about the inalienable right of the Republic of Cyprus to exploit the natural wealth within its Exclusive Economic Zone’ reads the second note.