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    GGP: Gas-to-Power Supply Chains in Developing Countries: Comparative Case Studies of Nigeria and Bangladesh


Analysis of causal dynamics in place in Bangladesh and Nigeria and suggestions of measures that may improve gas-to-power supply chain performance.

by: OIES | Donna Peng , Rahmat Poudineh

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Global Gas Perspectives

GGP: Gas-to-Power Supply Chains in Developing Countries: Comparative Case Studies of Nigeria and Bangladesh

The statements, opinions and data contained in the content published in Global Gas Perspectives are solely those of the individual authors and contributors and not of the publisher and the editor(s) of Natural Gas World.

This is an excerpt from a paper by the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies published in March 2017. 

In a recent paper we provide a comprehensive analysis of the gas to power supply chains in Nigeria and Bangladesh. This short article draws on the results of that study.

In response to the dual challenge of decarbonisation and advancing energy access, some developing countries that are endowed with domestic natural gas resources have embarked on the path to develop a gas-to-power supply chain. Nigeria and Bangladesh, two of the most populous countries in the world, have adopted such a strategy. This paper uses a multi-step approach to evaluate the performance of the gas-to-power supply chains in these countries within political, regulatory, and commercial dimensions. The goal is to offer insights for other developing countries which are pursuing or considering the same strategy. By analysing the causal dynamics that are in place in Bangladesh and Nigeria, it suggests measures that may improve gas-to-power supply chain performance. Finally, it discusses the extent to which the causal dynamics observed can be generalised to other countries.

Donna Peng, Rahmat Poudineh

Full paper

The statements, opinions and data contained in the content published in Global Gas Perspectives are solely those of the individual authors and contributors and not of the publisher and the editor(s) of Natural Gas World.