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    [GGP] The rise of renewables and energy transition


Oxford Energy Podcast

by: OIES Podcast

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Global Gas Perspectives

[GGP] The rise of renewables and energy transition

The energy landscape is changing rapidly with far-reaching implications for global energy industries and actors, including oil companies and oil-exporting countries. A key issue facing oil companies and oil-exporting countries is how they should now position themselves and how best to be part of the renewables ‘revolution’. In this podcast David Ledesma interviews Rob West, Head of Global Energy Research at Redburn and Research Associate at the OIES, to discuss his recent paper “The rise of renewables and energy transition: what adaptation strategy for oil companies and oil-exporting countries” which he jointly authored with Bassam Fattouh, Director of the OIES and Rahmatallah Poudineh, Lead Senior Research Fellow at the OIES. The discussion centres on the falling cost of renewables and how companies and countries should invest in renewables in parallel to hydrocarbons, thus in many cases, freeing up hydrocarbons for export. It also addresses how companies should ensure that they can attract sufficient capital to meet the energy needs and how investing counter-cyclically can build a company’s portfolio for future growth.

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