• Natural Gas News

    Kathimerini: Greece will seek Algerian LNG in case of Russian gas reduction



Greece is discussing additional LNG supply from Algeria to cover shortages if a gas dispute between Russia and Ukraine disrupts pipeline deliveries.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Kathimerini: Greece will seek Algerian LNG in case of Russian gas reduction

Greece is discussing additional liquefied natural gas supply from Algeria to cover shortages and help neighboring nations if a gas dispute between Russia and Ukraine disrupts pipeline deliveries.

DEPA SA may have to pay $150 million to $200 million to secure extra cargoes for December and January, the peak months of winter demand, George Spanoudis, the state-run gas supplier’s chairman, said in an interview in Londoset shortfalls under the existing contracts with Turkey and Algeria that meet the rest of demand, he said.

Russia, Ukraine and the European Union will meet Oct. 21 to discuss a resolution to a price and debt dispute that saw Gazprom halt supplies to Ukraine in June. While Greece lost as much as two-thirds of its gas supply when flows via Ukraine were cut in a similar conflict during freezing weather in January 2009, it was able to buy LNG to limit the effects of the shortfall and supply neighboring Bulgaria, according to the Oxford Institute of Energy Studies.