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    RT: Greece & Turkish Stream: ‘Athens in Russia V West, Investment V Debt Dilemma’



RT interviews analyst with 21stcenturywire.com Patrick Henningsen about Greece's relationship with Russia, Turkish Stream, and the U.S.'s interests

by: Erica Mills

Posted in:

Press Notes

RT: Greece & Turkish Stream: ‘Athens in Russia V West, Investment V Debt Dilemma’

To solve its financial problems Greece needs to have foreign investment which could come from Russia, but if the Greeks choose the West it means only future debt, says Patrick Henningsen, a geopolitical Analyst at 21stcenturywire.com.

The US is trying to push Greece to reject Turkish Stream, the pipeline that would deliver Russian gas to Europe via Greece. Meanwhile, David Pearce, the US ambassador to Greece, is reportedly going to leave his office a year earlier than planned. This comes amid bailout talks between Athens and the Troika being deadlocked.

Read the full interview HERE.