• Natural Gas News

    World Bulletin: Greek Cypriot talks on Egyptian gas sales may irk Turkey



Conflict between Turkish and Greek Cypriots on the island continues over the gas reserves in the exclusive economic zones off the shore of the island

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

World Bulletin: Greek Cypriot talks on Egyptian gas sales may irk Turkey

Greek Cypriot natural gas talks with British Gas Egypt on Monday might further provoke Turkey, who is against the island's gas sales before a political solution is reached.

Greek Cypriot national energy firm Cyprus Hydrocarbons Company, CHC, held a meeting Monday in Nicosia with British Gas Egypt to meet Egypt's natural gas needs.

Egypt is facing an energy crisis and has witnessed severe power cuts in the summer, hitting industry and raising public discontent. The country needs to import more gas but has yet to develop the required infrastructure to import Liquefied Natural Gas, LNG.

Greek Cypriot media quoted the head of the CHC, Toula Onoufriou, commenting that the meeting was a “milestone” and that contacts with BG Egypt would continue with the aim of further exploring technical, economic, legal and geopolitical aspects in more detail.