• Natural Gas News

    Ukraine gas grid operator continues pursuit of methane leaks


GTSOU's preferred brand of portable gas leak analyser can determine the exact methane concentration of leaks across its grid.

by: Callum Cyrus

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Europe, Natural Gas & LNG News, Topics, Ukraine, News By Country

Ukraine gas grid operator continues pursuit of methane leaks

Amid the continued impact of Moscow's invasion, Ukraine's gas transmission operator GTSOU is striving to tackle gas leaks across its distribution grid through the use of innovative equipment and technologies, it said June 20.

GTSOU's efforts started with compiling a database of every stop valve across Ukraine's gas transmission system. That, in itself, was no mean feat. GTSOU's network stretches across 33,079 km of gas pipeline and 57 compressor stations.

The granular valve data was used to build a leak monitoring system, operated by GTSOU's five mobile laboratory teams. Here, scientists have access to state-of-the-art equipment and portable leak detection meters, allowing leaky valve units to be promptly identified and patched using "high-quality" leak repair kits.

GTSOU's specific brand of portable gas leakage analyser - the Inspectra Laser Gazomat - is able to determine the exact methane concentration in any single leak. This is particularly useful as Ukraine looks to meet the EU's evolving market requirements. The European Commission in December 2021 proposed gas grid operators should be required to detect more methane-causing leaks, though, due to the war, nothing has been finalised yet.

GTSOU's five mobile labs have so far tackled 200,000 device units - including valves and flanges - across Ukraine's national grid. Some 2,500 leaks have been identified, and GTSOU says it has eliminated almost 6mn m3 in gas leakage.

Pawel Stanczak, the gas TSO's deputy general director for development and transformation, said: "Gas TSO of Ukraine is a responsible company that utilises modern equipment in all production chains and cares about preserving the environment.

"We understand that big business today must meet environmental goals and support global green-deal trends, because this is the only way we can take care of people’s health and life."