• Natural Gas News

    Guardian: Fracking and shale gas – news and teaching resources round up



Resources to help you explore why fracking used in Sussex has ignited debate on the drilling technique and why opinion is split across the country.


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Press Notes

Guardian: Fracking and shale gas – news and teaching resources round up

Protesters have been campaigning for more than two weeks against the decision to dig for fuel at a site near the West Sussex village of Balcombe. They fear diggers will use a method called hydraulic fracturing – known as fracking – and that this could lead to water pollution. Their demonstrations have put the spotlight on the fracking industry and what it could mean for the country.

To help you discuss the issue in class, we have collated the best news stories, teaching resources on energy and helpful websites. You'll find a video showing you how fracking works, photos giving an insight into its impact in America and an idea for how pupils can create their own greenhouse gas, as well as articles clearly setting out the facts.  MORE