• Natural Gas News

    Hürriyet Daily: Nabucco project: The name is dead but the concept is alive



As I was turning up the heat on the weekend when the cold went down below zero in Istanbul, I shivered about the natural gas bill that will come next...


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Press Notes

Hürriyet Daily: Nabucco project: The name is dead but the concept is alive

As I was turning up the heat on the weekend when the cold went down below zero in Istanbul, I shivered about the natural gas bill that will come next month, since the one last month dealt a serious blow to my budget.  

I wondered one more time whether my government was making the best deals with the suppliers in order to secure that I get heating for the best possible price. And I recalled one more time that it is very difficult to give an accurate answer to that question since energy remains one of the domains, unfortunately, not effectively scrutinized.

How can the energy policies be effectively scrutinized when some of the information is kept confidential not only from the public, but even from official eyes. Even the foreign ministry does not posses a copy of the latest energy deals signed with Azerbaijan in the last months of 2011 on purchasing Azerbaijani gas as well as the construction of a pipeline across Turkey that will carry that gas, the Trans Anatolian Pipeline Project, or TANAP. MORE