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    AA: Hungary seeks gas future with Turkish Stream and TANAP



Hungarian energy minister Andrss Aradszki say that Hungary wants to be included both in Turkish Stream and the Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project.


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Press Notes

AA: Hungary seeks gas future with Turkish Stream and TANAP

Hungary, which aims to secure its natural gas supplies, wants to be included both in Turkish Stream and the Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency earlier this week, Hungarian Minister of State for Energy Affairs András Aradszki said: "Hungary welcomes all developments on TANAP, as it represents a breakthrough in the connection of the Caspian with European regions."

Hungary meets 80 percent of its natural gas demand from Russia via Ukraine. At the time of the annexation of Crimea in 2014, Russia cut gas supplies to Ukraine which represented the third time Moscow had done so in the last decade.

Hungary was one of the few countries who supported Russia's South Stream Project even though European Union opposed it.

Read the full article HERE