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    Financial Times: Hydrocarbon industry reviews security



Following the In Amenas attack in Algeria, consultants say the industry will step up security and may re-evaluate business interest in risky regions.


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Financial Times: Hydrocarbon industry reviews security

The bloodshed at In Amenas has left the oil and gas industry struggling to come to terms with what it might mean for investment in risky countries.

Bob Dudley, BP’s chief executive says the company, which had 18 workers at the remote Sahara gas plant, is “reviewing security” at its other facilities in the region and around the world.

The Algeria attack is the worst tragedy of its kind in living memory despite the energy industry’s presence in many unstable regions. BP has “never experienced an attack on this scale before”, Mr Dudley says.

Consultants say the industry will step up security, and may re-evaluate business interests in regions deemed politically unsafe.  MORE