• Natural Gas News

    IEA Plans Rules on Shale Gas Development to Ease Environmental Concerns



Birol said that unconventional gas that the ability to change the energy picture globally in the same manner that the nuclear energy changed the picture 40 years ago


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Natural Gas & LNG News, Shale Gas

IEA Plans Rules on Shale Gas Development to Ease Environmental Concerns

The International Energy Agency is seeking to impose rules on the development of unconventional gas in order to address concerns ecological concerns.

Speaking to Reuters, the IEA's Chief Economist Fatih Birol said that the agency, which advises industrial countries on energy policy plans to publish, "golden rules for the golden age of gas" in May.

"We will have a series of recommendations for governments, companies and regulators," Birol said.

Birol said that the IEA plans hold a meeting on unconventional gas in Poland with player from najor gas producers on March 7th, aimed to look at best practices and what kind of regulation is needed to address concerns about the industry.

Birol said that concerns about water and chemicals overuse and contamination can be addressed by best technologies and practices.

However, despite its global potential, Birol said that it was unlikely that shale gas production would kick off in Europe in the near future.