• Natural Gas News

    IHT: Deep Freeze Brings the Wolf to Europe’s Door, Literally and Figuratively



Scavenging wolves have been sneaking into hilltop villages in central Italy, with one sighted uncomfortably close to the gates of an elementary...


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Press Notes

IHT: Deep Freeze Brings the Wolf to Europe’s Door, Literally and Figuratively

Scavenging wolves have been sneaking into hilltop villages in central Italy, with one sighted uncomfortably close to the gates of an elementary school.

Their ominous appearance should not be taken as yet another metaphor for European decline. The lupine intruders, like their human counterparts, have simply been responding to the extreme cold that has swept the Continent in the past week.

The deep freeze caused widespread disruptions and even fatalities, as Rendezvous reported at the weekend.

The effects of the cold have been compounded by shortages of natural gas, particularly from Russia, once again highlighting Europe’s dependence on energy from the east.

Wholesale natural gas prices have reached six-year highs in some markets and officials have announced emergency measures to ensure fuel supplies.  MORE