India's Gas Output in May Up
India’s gross production of natural gas in May was 2.73bn m3, up 0.4% over the corresponding month of the previous year, according to the latest data published Indian oil and gas ministry's Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC).
Natural gas available for sale during May was 4.56bn m3, down 0.4% year-on-year. Total consumption during the month was 4.56bn m3, PPAC said without offering a year-on-year comparison. Regasified LNG accounted for about half of total gas consumption.
During the first two months of the present financial year (India’s fiscal year runs from April to March), cumulative gross production was 5.39bn m3, unchanged from the corresponding period of last year.
Cumulative natural gas production during the last financial year was 32.65bn m3, up 0.7% year-on-year.