• Natural Gas News

    Guardian: Ineos Tries to Reassure Grangemouth Employees on Site's Future



Ineos, the company that controls Grangemouth, has reassured its workers that an ethane supply from the US will last 15 years; shale likely needed after that

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Guardian: Ineos Tries to Reassure Grangemouth Employees on Site's Future

Ineos has sought to reassure 1,300 staff at its Grangemouth petrochemical plant that it has a long-term future after one executive warned that a fracking moratorium had cast doubts over the business.

Gary Haywood, the executive leading the company’s fracking plans, told a conference last week that Scotland’s biggest manufacturing plant, also one of the country’s biggest employers, could only rely on cheap supplies of US-sourced ethane gas for up to 15 years. After that, gas from local fracking projects would be needed, Haywood indicated.

He said: “We have been able to get that ethane at very, very cheap prices, relatively speaking. We can’t see that going on. Unless we can develop an indigenous source, it is unlikely that the cracker [at Grangemouth] has a long-term future.”

Read the full article HERE.